What is Revenue Coin

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Summary of Revenue Coin

  • Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities.
  • RVC is a deflationary token with a fixed quantity in a smart contract.
  • Companies from the Revenue Capital ecosystem allocate up to 10% of revenues to buyback and burn RVC, reducing supply and increasing valuation.
  • Monthly buyback and burning of tokens will decrease RVC supply on the market.
  • The temporary blocking of RVC held by the team and largest investors protects against sudden price falls.
  • RVC value will increase systematically over time through burning and purchasing tokens from exchanges.
  • Numbers and figures:

    • 10

Introducing Revenue Coin: Empowering a New Era of Value Creation

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders empower innovative companies to amplify their marketing, sales, and social endeavors. In return, these startups allocate a percentage of their revenues to systematically acquire RVC from the market, thereby reducing supply and augmenting its valuation. As a deflationary token, RVC’s quantity is fixed within a smart contract. The market supply of RVC will continually decrease due to monthly buybacks and token burning. Companies within the Revenue Capital ecosystem are obligated to allocate up to 10% of their revenues towards this purpose. Furthermore, the temporary lock-up of RVC held by the team and prominent investors will safeguard against sudden price fluctuations. Revenue Coin (RVC) is a revenue token, facilitating a settlement between Revenue Capital, the token issuer, and investors through the systematic purchase and burning of tokens. This mechanism ensures that both the reduction of supply and the acquisition of tokens from exchanges will incrementally increase the value of RVC over time.

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