What is Dextoken

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  • Dextoken protocol uses Speculative AMM to ensure token pool liquidity and reward DEXG token holders with a portion of the transaction fee.
  • Speculative AMM addresses issues with poor data quality in crypto markets by providing a price model for trend analysis.
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About Dextoken: Empowering the Future of Decentralized Finance

Speculative AMM, a revolutionary automated market maker conceived by the Flowchain foundation, is a priceless innovation. The Dextoken protocol leverages Speculative AMM to guarantee token pool liquidity, thereby benefiting DEXG token holders (the “Dextoken Governance” ERC-20 token) by allocating a proportion of the transaction fee as a reward.

Furthermore, whereas technical indicators and bar charts can identify price patterns, trend analysis and figure charts in commodity markets enable the identification of price models. Notably, trend analysis necessitates historical data, which is a luxury that current crypto markets cannot afford, due to the inconsistency of available data, resulting in poor data quality. Consequently, we propose the Speculative AMM as the price model to mitigate these issues.

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