What is Sup

Article Summary, Automatically Generated By AI


  • SUP is the governance token of MOV SuperTx protocol.
  • MOV SuperTx is an advanced and improved AMM trading protocol.
  • SUP holders have governance rights of MOV SuperTx.

Numbers and figures: None

Case studies, anecdotes, and examples: None

Vital takeaways and insights:

  • SUP token is related to MOV SuperTx protocol governance.

About SUP: Empowering the Future of Decentralized Finance

SUP serves as the governance token for the MOV SuperTx protocol, a cutting-edge and enhanced Automated Market Maker (AMM) trading protocol that surpasses Uniswap. As a vital component of the MOV DeFi protocol suite, SUP holders are endowed with the governance rights of MOV SuperTx.

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