What is Universal Store Of Value

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Summary of Universal Store of Value

  • USV is an alternative to Bitcoin, rewarding hodlers (stakers) instead of miners.
  • USV’s multi-chain protocol is energy-efficient and available on many networks.
  • In Bitcoin, the top 10,000 holders control about 1/3 of the cryptocurrency in circulation.
  • In USV, 3 largest initial wallets (PODL, RACL, KFML) constitute 65% of the initial supply and are permanently locked.
  • PODL (50% of initial supply) is never staked and gets diluted over time, allowing new comers to gain market share.
  • USV’s approach contrasts with VC-funded protocols where a small number of large investors own

About the Pinnacle of Value Storage: Universal Store of Value

Universal Store of Value (USV) presents a logical, equitable, and energy-efficient alternative to Bitcoin: whereas Bitcoin rewards miners with newly minted, inflationary coins, neglecting its “hodlers”. In contrast, USV incentivizes its stakeholders through a staking mechanism. USV’s multi-chain protocol, accessible across various networks, stands in stark contrast to Bitcoin’s energy-inefficient, Proof-of-Work blockchain. Users have the flexibility to hold USV on an energy-efficient, eco-friendly blockchain, such as Avalanche or Polygon. Notably, despite its 13-year existence, the top 10,000 holders in Bitcoin still control approximately one-third of the circulating cryptocurrency, according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research. In contrast, three of USV’s largest initial wallets, comprising 65% of the initial supply, are protocol lockboxes that belong to no one, with their principals permanently locked. Furthermore, PODL, which constitutes 50% of the initial supply, is never staked, thereby undergoing dilution over time, allowing newcomers to gain market share. This approach starkly contrasts with other VC-funded protocols, where inequity prevails, and a small number of large investors own the vast majority of the initial supply. (Read the subsequent sections for details on the NETD strategy.) At the heart of USV’s ethos of equality lies the charitable donation built into the protocol through its Reciprocal Altruism Charity Lockbox (RACL). We hope that all protocols will adopt the same win-win philanthropic ideology as USV, ultimately improving the world we live in.

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