What is Wateenswap

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Summary of WateenSwap

Key Features:

  • Decentralized exchange (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain
  • Permissionless liquidity pools controlled by decentralized algorithms
  • Automated market makers (no dependency on market makers)
  • Own decentralized router and LP
  • Low fees on swapping BEP-20 tokens
  • Rewarding mechanism (0.17% on every trade)
  • Staking and farming pools
  • Referral system, lottery, launchpad, NFTs marketplace, and prediction BNB market

Numbers and Figures:

  • 0.17% rewards

About Wateenswap: Empowering the Future of Decentralized Finance

WateenSwap is a decentralized exchange (AMM) automated market maker built on the Binance Smart Chain, enabling users to seamlessly swap BEP-20 tokens. These tokens, constructed on top of the Binance Smart Chain, do not possess their own blockchain infrastructure. By leveraging the Binance Smart Chain instead of Ethereum, WateenSwap enjoys several advantages. The innovative aspect of WateenSwap lies in its utilization of permissionless liquidity pools, governed solely by decentralized algorithms. These algorithms empower WateenSwap to operate autonomously, eliminating the need for market makers, as it is equipped with automated market makers. WateenSwap has developed its own decentralized router and LP, facilitating trades with ease. The platform offers exceptionally low fees for swapping BEP-20 tokens and boasts a robust rewarding mechanism, allowing users to earn rewards through multiple avenues. Users can contribute liquidity to specific pairs, facilitating trades and earning a share of pool LP tokens, which yields a 0.17% reward on every trade. Furthermore, they can stake LP tokens in the staking pool, effectively doubling their portfolio. WateenSwap features staking and farming pools, syrup pools, and more, where users can stake LP tokens or WTN tokens to reap substantial rewards. The platform has also developed its own referral system, lottery, launchpad, NFTs marketplace, and prediction BNB market, offering numerous benefits to users. WateenSwap provides 100% trading features in a decentralized module, ensuring that no entity can control users’ funds, even when their wallet is connected to the WateenSwap site. This provides users with immense relief and makes it an attractive option in the current DeFi landscape. WateenSwap boasts a highly secure platform, utilizing cutting-edge servers to safeguard users and offering 24/7 support from developers.

WateenSwap boasts a plethora of prime features, including: 1) Automated market making – a novel protocol that facilitates seamless swapping, trading, and exchanges within the platform, eliminating the need for an order book. 2) Proprietary router & LP: WateenSwap has developed its own bespoke Trading Router and Liquidity Providers. 3) Swapping: Users can effortlessly exchange tokens with one another, fostering trading and revenue growth. This feature enables the unlimited swapping of BEP-20 tokens for WTN tokens, with rewards available for participants. 4) Pooling: Miners can join forces to generate substantial leverage by staking and earning rewards and tokens. 5) Yield farming: WateenSwap users can stake and farm tokens to reap rewards. By staking and farming LP tokens, users can earn WTN tokens as rewards. 6) Lottery: Users can win rewards by participating in the lottery, with WTN tokens required to purchase lottery tickets. 7) Trading fees: WateenSwap boasts exceptionally low trading fees compared to other exchanges. 8) Launchpad: WateenSwap users can participate in new token sales by holding WTN-BNB LP tokens, granting access to brand-new tokens at a fraction of the cost. 9) Token-economics: WateenSwap operates on a 100% deflationary token-economics model, a feature cherished by our community.

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