What is Tribalisland Token

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About Tribalisland Token

  • What is Tribal Island?

    A web3 game based on Tokenomics 2.0, themed on islands and tribes, with gameplay features like building, resource gathering, breeding monsters, PVE/PVP, growing fruits, trading, and tribal wars.

  • TIT Token:

    • Total supply: 1 billion
    • Destruction limit: 990 million
    • Used for project governance, ecological value reserve, NFT asset minting and trading, anchoring airdrop equity, and motivating the community
    • Allocation: Treasury 10%, Private Sales 6.5%, Team 9.5%, Double

Introducing Tribalisland Token: A New Era of Possibilities

1. Tribal Island is a pioneering web3 game built upon Tokenomics 2.0, where players are immersed in a captivating island-themed universe. This immersive experience enables players to construct buildings, harvest resources, breed fantastical creatures, engage in PVE/PVP combat, cultivate fruits, trade, and participate in tribal wars, among other thrilling gameplay elements. At its core, Tribal Island is committed to crafting sustainable, cutting-edge Web3 metaverse games.

2. What is TIT Token?

TIT tokens, the governance tokens of Tribal Island, boast a total issuance of 1 billion, with a destruction limit of 990 million, contingent upon players’ in-game behavior. The primary utilities of TIT tokens encompass project governance, ecological value reserve, minting and trading of NFT assets, anchoring airdrop equity, and incentivizing the community. The allocation of TIT tokens is as follows: Treasury (10%), Private Sales (6.5%), Team (9.5%), Double (10%), Community (19%), Play to Earn (33%), Airdrop (11%), and Advisors/Partners (1%).

3. Who is the founder of Tribal Island? Tribal Island is a brainchild of Germany-based BTI Blockchain, operated by Tribal Island GmbH.

4. What Sets Tribal Island Apart

Tribal Island boasts two key differentiators that distinguish it from other web3 games. Firstly, Tribal Island eschews the traditional IDO/IGO launch model, instead opting for the innovative “Double” approach. This pioneering concept ensures that participants receive double the value in return for their engagement, with the entire process facilitated by a smart contract deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Notably, this approach eliminates the need for initial fundraising activities. Secondly, while Tribal Island adopts a dual-token model, it has been carefully crafted to mirror the dynamics of the real economy, thereby creating a sustainable crypto-economic system that strikes a delicate balance between inflation and deflation.

5. What is the total circulation of Tribal Island (TIT) tokens? The total supply of Tribal Island (TIT) tokens stands at 1 billion. As of mid-April, there are 5 million TIT tokens in circulation. Notably, 10% of the total supply will be allocated to users who participate in the redemption of NFTs through Double. In its inaugural round, Double successfully completed 2,000 NFT sales, and subsequently, all TIT tokens from the rocket pool were injected into the liquidity pool following the listing on PancakeSwap, with an initial TIT price of 0.2 USDT. For each NFT sold by Double, an additional 100 USDT will be contributed to the TIT token liquidity pool on PancakeSwap in the form of LP. Furthermore, the token allocation is as follows: 19% will be utilized as community incentives, 6.5% will be reserved for later-stage funding, 10% will be distributed to the team, 1% to advisors, 11% will be allocated for airdrops, and the remaining 10% will be injected into the ecosystem vault.

  1. The Tribal Island network is safeguarded by the robust security features of the BSCsmartchain, as the Tribal Island (TIT) token operates as a BEP-20 token, leveraging the BSC consensus mechanism to ensure its protection.

  2. TIT tokens are available for purchase on PancakeSwap, where they officially launched on June 14, providing users with a seamless platform to acquire TIT tokens.

The Tribal Island network is safeguarded by the robust security features of the BSCsmartchain, as the Tribal Island (TIT) token operates as a BEP-20 token, thereby leveraging the BSC consensus mechanism to ensure its protection.

Where can I purchase TIT tokens? As of June 14, TIT tokens have been listed on PancakeSwap, and users can acquire them on this prominent decentralized exchange.

Introducing Tribalisland Token: A Revolutionary Digital Asset

Tribalisland Token, also known as TIT, assumes a pivotal role as the governance token within the Tribal Island game ecosystem. This digital asset is indispensable to a web3 game that masterfully blends elements of strategy, resource management, and player interaction, set against the vibrant backdrop of a thematic world of islands and tribes. The game invites players to engage in a diverse array of activities, including building, resource gathering, breeding monsters, participating in player versus environment (PVE) and player versus player (PVP) battles, cultivating fruit, trading, and partaking in tribal wars. This immersive environment strives to establish a sustainable Web3 metaverse gaming experience, replete with depth and complexity.

The TIT token boasts a total supply of 1 billion tokens, with a built-in mechanism allowing for the burning of tokens up to a ceiling of 990 million, contingent upon players’ in-game activities. This deflationary mechanism is carefully designed to appreciate the token’s value over time. The token’s utility is multifaceted, encompassing project governance, serving as an ecological value reserve, facilitating the minting and trading of NFT assets, anchoring airdrop rights, and incentivizing community engagement and contribution.

The allocation of TIT tokens has been meticulously planned to foster a thriving ecosystem and reward its participants: 10% is reserved for the treasury, 6.5% is allocated for private sales, 9.5% is designated for the team, 19% is dedicated to community incentives, 33% is earmarked for play-to-earn mechanisms, 11% is set aside for airdrops, and 1% is allocated to advisors and partners.

Tribal Island, a pioneering project developed by Germany-based BTI Blockchain Tribal Island GmbH, is revolutionizing the web3 gaming landscape with its innovative approach. Diverging from traditional game launches that rely on initial DEX offerings (IDO) or initial game offerings (IGO), Tribal Island introduces a novel “Double” mechanism. This groundbreaking model is designed to provide players with amplified value and rewards for their participation, effectively eliminating the need for initial fundraising activities. Furthermore, the game’s economic system is carefully crafted to ensure sustainability, striking a delicate balance between inflationary and deflationary pressures, drawing inspiration from real-world economic models.

Regarding security, the TIT token operates as a BEP-20 token on the Binance Smart Chain, thereby harnessing the robust security features and operational efficiency inherent in this blockchain’s consensus mechanism.

As of June 14, TIT tokens have been listed on a prominent decentralized exchange platform, thereby granting players and investors seamless access to the Tribal Island ecosystem through the purchase of tokens via this exchange.

It is crucial for prospective investors and participants to undertake exhaustive research and carefully deliberate on the intricacies of the game’s economy and token utility prior to making informed investment decisions.

The Security Measures of Tribalisland Token

The security of the Tribalisland Token (TIT) is multifaceted, harnessing the synergies of both smart contracts and layer 2 technology to provide robust safeguards against unauthorized access and fraudulent activities. Smart contracts, which are essentially self-executing agreements with the terms of the agreement encoded directly into code, facilitate a secure and automated transactional process, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This innovative technology not only bolsters security but also fosters transparency and trust in the transactions, thereby ensuring a secure and reliable environment for users.

Layer 2 technology denotes a paradigm of solutions erected atop a blockchain, primarily designed to bolster its scalability and efficiency. By offloading transactions from the main chain, while still harnessing the security and decentralization inherent to the underlying blockchain, layer 2 solutions can substantially mitigate the risk of congestion and exorbitant fees, thereby ensuring that transactions are processed with enhanced efficiency and reliability.

Furthermore, the TIT token is built upon the BSC blockchain, which leverages its proprietary consensus mechanism to ensure the integrity of the network. This mechanism is specifically designed to validate transactions and safeguard the network against potential attacks, thereby providing an additional layer of security for TIT tokens.

While the integration of external technologies, such as banking tokens, may offer promising security enhancements, it is crucial to undertake exhaustive research and consult with experts to ensure a comprehensive understanding of their compatibility and seamless implementation within the Tribalisland ecosystem.

Tribal Island’s multi-layered approach to security, which synergistically combines the robustness of smart contracts, the agility of layer 2 solutions, and the inherent security features of the BSC blockchain, embodies a comprehensive strategy to safeguard its network and users. As with any digital asset, it is imperative for users to exercise diligence and thoroughly comprehend the security measures in place before engaging with the ecosystem.

The Utilization of Tribalisland Token: Unlocking a World of Possibilities

The Tribalisland Token, abbreviated as TIT, functions as the governance token within the Tribal Island ecosystem, a web3 game that transports players to a metaverse replete with islands and tribes. This immersive game offers a diverse range of activities, including constructing units, harvesting resources, breeding fantastical creatures, participating in both player-versus-environment (PVE) and player-versus-player (PVP) battles, cultivating fruits, trading, and engaging in tribal conflicts, among others. The token is carefully designed to establish a sustainable crypto-economic system within the game, striking a delicate balance between inflation and deflation, thereby ensuring a stable and enduring value for its users.

TIT tokens serve as a multifaceted economic catalyst within the game, facilitating in-game purchases that elevate the gaming experience. Furthermore, these tokens empower players to engage in the NFT market, where they can buy, sell, or trade digital assets representing in-game items, characters, or land. Moreover, the token plays a pivotal role in the game’s scholarship program, providing avenues for players to earn rewards through active participation.

Beyond its in-game utility, TIT tokens play a pivotal role in project governance, empowering token holders to exert influence over pivotal decisions that shape the game’s development and trajectory. They also function as an ecological value reserve, thereby ensuring the game’s economy remains resilient and robust. Moreover, these tokens facilitate NFT asset minting and trading, anchor airdrop equity, and incentivize the community through a system of rewards and motivational stimuli.

The tokenomics of TIT have been meticulously crafted, featuring a total issuance of 1 billion tokens, with a deliberate destruction limit of 990 million to regulate supply and bolster value. The allocation of TIT tokens has been carefully calibrated to nurture the game’s ecosystem, with strategic portions earmarked for the treasury, private sales, the development team, community incentives, play-to-earn mechanisms, airdrops, and esteemed advisors and partners.

Tribal Island diverges from conventional web3 games by eschewing traditional initial offering methods for its project launch. Instead, it pioneers a novel “Double” mechanism, which incentivizes players with the potential to reap double the value for their participation, facilitated through a smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This innovative approach, coupled with the implementation of a dual token model and the incorporation of real-world economic principles into the token economy, strives to establish a sustainable and balanced economic ecosystem within the game.

The Tribal Island network and TIT tokens are safeguarded by operating as a BEP-20 token on the BSC smart chain, which leverages the robust security measures inherent in the BSC consensus mechanism. This assurance enables players and investors to engage with the game and its economy with unwavering confidence in the integrity and safety of their assets.

In summary, the Tribalisland Token serves as the linchpin of the Tribal Island game’s economic and governance frameworks, offering a multifaceted utility that underpins the game’s ecosystem, fosters player engagement, and ensures a sustainable economic model for the long haul.

What pivotal milestones have Tribalisland Token achieved?

Tribal Island has made a notable impact in the web3 gaming sphere, achieving several significant milestones that have defined its trajectory. The project’s inception was marked by the release of its comprehensive whitepaper, which established the foundation for its vision and operational framework. This pivotal document played a crucial role in articulately communicating the project’s objectives, mechanics, and innovative approach to the blockchain gaming and NFT marketplace.

In tandem with the whitepaper’s release, Tribal Island established a robust online presence by launching its official website and social media channels. These digital platforms have proven instrumental in fostering a vibrant community, disseminating updates, and facilitating meaningful engagement with both existing and prospective stakeholders within the ecosystem.

A watershed moment for Tribal Island was the successful development and launch of its game, which converged with the burgeoning NFT market. This milestone was not only a testament to the project’s technical prowess but also a tangible manifestation of its vision, empowering players to immerse themselves in a diverse array of activities, including building, resource gathering, monster breeding, and tribal warfare, among others. The seamless integration of tokenomics and NFTs within the game showcases a harmonious fusion of entertainment and blockchain technology, thereby redefining the gaming experience.

The listing of TIT and TIC tokens on a swap platform constituted a pivotal milestone, significantly bolstering the project’s liquidity and accessibility. This strategic move proved instrumental in fortifying the project’s economy, thereby facilitating seamless trading and valuation of the tokens within the expansive cryptocurrency landscape.

Looking ahead, Tribal Island has charted a comprehensive roadmap that outlines its future trajectory, underscoring the project’s unwavering commitment to growth, innovation, and excellence. This roadmap promises a plethora of exciting developments, including novel features, expansive updates, and perpetual refinements to the gaming experience, ensuring a captivating journey for enthusiasts.

The project’s tokenomics approach is particularly noteworthy, as it eschews traditional IDO/IGO funding models in favour of a pioneering “Double” mechanism. This innovative strategy prioritizes sustainability and value creation for participants, while a meticulously planned token distribution strategy ensures a balanced and thriving ecosystem.

Security assumes paramount importance in any blockchain project, and Tribal Island effectively addresses this concern by functioning as a BEP-20 token on the BSC smart chain, thereby harnessing the robust security mechanisms inherent in the underlying blockchain infrastructure.

In summary, Tribal Island’s odyssey has been punctuated by strategic milestones,
from the publication of foundational documents to the launch of games and markets,
all geared towards cultivating a thriving and immersive web3 gaming ecosystem.
As the project propels forward, its roadmap heralds continued innovation and growth,
significantly contributing to the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain gaming.

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