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Summary of Telo Meme Coin
Launch Date:
December 23, 2023 -
Liquidity Investment:
$1000 USD -
Liquidity Lock:
Locked -
Contract Status:
Renounced -
Transaction Fees:
- 0.05%: Reinvested into liquidity
- 0.05%: Burns tokens to decrease total supply
Purchase Limit:
1% of token supply per user
Introducing Telo Meme Coin: The Pinnacle of Meme Culture
The Telo meme coin is slated to launch on December 23, 2023, with a robust foundation in place. The contract has been established with the following provisions: an initial investment of $1000 USD has been allocated to liquidity and subsequently locked. Furthermore, the contract has been renounced, ensuring a decentralized framework. A nominal 0.05% of each transaction will be redirected to a designated wallet, where it will be reinvested to bolster liquidity. Additionally, a further 0.05% of each transaction will be utilized to burn tokens, thereby reducing the total supply. Notably, individual users will be limited to purchasing a maximum of 1% of the token supply.