What is Adshares

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About Adshares

Key Points

  • ADS coin is a digital advertising settlement for high-volume ad transactions across Web2, Metaverse, and DOOH.
  • Adshares blockchain is based on dPoS consensus, making it lighter, faster, and greener than PoW chains.
  • The blockchain has a capacity to handle 1,400,000+ transactions per second.
  • ADS coins are deflationary due to native burning.
  • Staking system rewards ADS native holders with ADS coins from ad transaction fees.
  • ADS facilitates metaverse and blockchain game landowners to generate income through ad space.
  • ADS holders can vote on proposals and decisions of the platform development through

About Adshares: Revolutionizing the Future of Digital Advertising

Unveiling the Metaverse-Ready Utility of ADS: A Coin of the Future

ADS coin functions as a digital settlement medium for high-volume advertising transactions, seamlessly facilitating exchanges across Web2, Metaverse, and Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) platforms. Within our ecosystem, all ad settlements are denominated in ADS coin, enabling direct payment agreements between publishers and advertisers, thereby eliminating intermediaries. This innovative system yields increased profits for publishers while concurrently reducing expenditure for advertisers.

The Adshares blockchain is founded upon a delegated proof-of-stake (dPoS) consensus, rendering it a more agile, rapid, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional proof-of-work (PoW) chains. This proprietary blockchain boasts an impressive capacity, capable of handling the vast transactional volume of the entire programmatic advertising market, with a staggering throughput of over 1,400,000 transactions per second. Furthermore, the native coins are deflationary in nature, owing to the intrinsic burning mechanism. One of the most notable benefits for the Adshares community is the staking system, which operates as follows: ADS native holders receive ADS coins directly in their wallet, derived from a portion of the fees generated by each ad transaction facilitated between publishers and advertisers on the Adshares protocol.

The inherent value of ADS lies in its ability to bring transparency to the ad-buying value chain. By facilitating a seamless connection between metaverse and blockchain game landowners and advertisers, ADS enables these landowners to monetize their digital real estate by providing coveted ad space for display ads. Furthermore, ADS coin holders can look forward to exercising their voting power on proposals and key decisions shaping the platform’s development, as Adshares is poised to introduce a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in Q4 2022, thereby empowering the community to steer the platform’s future trajectory.

ADS is poised to emerge as the premier payment solution, revolutionizing the way advertising transactions are conducted globally.

Introducing Adshares Protocol (ADS): A Revolutionary Decentralized Advertising Solution

Adshares is a decentralized, blockchain-based Web3 protocol revolutionizing the ad tech industry with cutting-edge, decentralized advertising software. This self-contained ecosystem comprises interconnected components, primarily the blockchain and the protocol. The blockchain facilitates seamless payment transactions, while the protocol oversees the transmission of advertising information, operating in tandem with the blockchain. By leveraging this innovative protocol, advertisers can effortlessly manage their digital advertising endeavors from a single, unified platform, while creators and publishers can effectively monetize their virtual real estate in the Metaverse, blockchain games, NFT exhibitions, websites, and any advertising space globally.

The mission of Adshares is to establish itself as the paramount global web3 advertising paradigm, universally accessible to a diverse range of platforms, including media outlets, websites, metaverses, games, social media, VR/AR experiences, and mobile applications.

Adshares is pioneering a decentralized advertising infrastructure, furnishing cutting-edge software solutions to marketers, advertisers, agencies, media companies, and the ad tech ecosystem at large. By integrating with the publisher network and allocating available space for ad placements, monetization opportunities abound.

The implementation of our blockchain and software tools boasts exceptional scalability, poised to revolutionize the entire advertising market and potentially emerge as the go-to marketing planning solution for companies, metaverses, and P2E blockchain games alike.

Adshares revolutionizes the market by:

  • Fosters decentralized Web3 advertising networks and solutions
  • Streamlines blockchain integration for the ad tech industry
  • Introduces transparency to the advertising value chain and procurement process
  • Empowers agencies to optimize their digital advertising portfolios
  • Unlocks monetization opportunities across Web2 and Web3 ecosystems
  • Facilitates intermediary-free advertising transactions
  • Enables seamless ad placement in web3 applications and Metaverse environments
  • Allows publishers to receive direct and instant compensation

To date, the Adshares ad network has successfully catered to over 2,000 advertisers and hundreds of publishers, comprising website owners. The protocol has been seamlessly implemented, effectively displaying advertisements within immersive virtual environments, such as Decentraland and CryptoVoxels. Furthermore, agreements have been secured with multiple metaverses, with additional partnerships forthcoming.

The company has successfully crafted a comprehensive “sandbox ecosystem” that spans the entire spectrum, from the blockchain foundation to software and prototype ad servers. The forthcoming SDK, slated for release in Q4 2022, will empower projects and companies to seamlessly integrate our software into their marketing strategies, thereby enabling them to develop their own bespoke ad servers.

Acquiring Adshares (ADS): A Comprehensive Guide to Exchanges and Marketplaces

ADS is a versatile, cross-chain token, boasting seamless bridges to ERC-20, BSC, and Polygon blockchains, thereby facilitating effortless transitions from its native chain (https://adshares.net/token).

Currently, ADS is listed on prominent decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and Quickswap, as well as on centralized exchanges (CEXs) like BitMart and Changelly. As outlined in our roadmap, we anticipate an additional listing on a major exchange in 2022.

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