What is Botto

Article Summary, Automatically Generated By AI

Summary of Botto

  • Botto is a decentralized autonomous artist governed by a growing community.
  • Launched on October 8th, 2021.
  • Creates 350 art pieces a week.
  • Uses a voting mechanism to garner community preference for art.
  • Votes dictate the direction of Botto’s next series of art pieces.
  • Art is guided and governed by the community over time.

Numbers and figures:

  • October 8th, 2021
  • 350 art pieces a week

No case studies, anecdotes, or examples in the provided text.

About Botto: Empowering the Future of AI-Driven Trading

Botto is a decentralized autonomous artist, self-governed by a burgeoning community of creatives. Launched on October 8th, 2021, Botto prolifically generates 350 art pieces weekly, with community preferences curated through a democratic voting mechanism. Each vote serves as a testament to individual tastes, reflecting what each participant deems aesthetically pleasing in the realm of art.

In a collaborative effort, votes serve as valuable feedback for Botto’s art engine, influencing the trajectory of its subsequent art pieces. As time unfolds, Botto’s creative vision is shaped and refined by the collective wisdom of the community.

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