What is Cakepie Xyz

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Summary of Cakepie

  • Cakepie is a SubDAO created by Magpie to support PancakeSwap’s long-term sustainability.
  • Core mechanism: locking CAKE tokens as veCAKE to secure enhanced yields and amplified governance power.
  • Benefits: prime opportunities for DeFi users.
  • Numbers and figures: None
  • Case studies, anecdotes, and examples: None

About Cakepie: A Revolutionary Digital Asset Platform

Cakepie is a cutting-edge SubDAO conceived by Magpie to fortify the long-term viability of PancakeSwap. As a yield and veTokenomics service provider, Cakepie’s core mechanism revolves around locking CAKE tokens as veCAKE, thereby unlocking enhanced yields and amplified governance influence within PancakeSwap, presenting DeFi users with unparalleled opportunities.

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