What is Insane Labz

Article Summary, Automatically Generated By AI


  • Insane Labz is a token for a top 50 supplement company worldwide.
  • The company has two film divisions: Insane Filmz & Darkwood Pictures.
  • The company also has a music company called Insane Labz Music.
  • Labz LP was burned to ensure liquidity.
  • Figures: 50 (rank of the supplement company)

About Insane Labz: Pioneers in Cryptocurrency Innovation

Introducing Insane Labz, a token meticulously crafted for the esteemed Insane Labz company, a globally recognized top 50 supplement brand. This multifaceted entity also encompasses two film divisions, Insane Filmz and Darkwood Pictures, as well as a music company, Insane Labz Music. Notably, Labz will serve as a vital component, underpinning the entire infrastructure. Furthermore, Labz LP was strategically burned to ensure optimal liquidity.

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