What is Jaypeggers

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Summary of Jaypeggers

  • Jaypeggers is an NFT tax-loss harvesting solution and arbitrage marketplace.
  • JAY has an elastic supply backed by ETH from platform fees.
  • The value of JAY increases with total platform transaction volume.
  • JAY/ETH value can only increase.
  • JAY/USDC pair on Uniswap bypasses fees and mint/burn mechanism, creating arbitrage opportunities.
  • Users can provide JAY/USDC liquidity on Uniswap, stake LP tokens, and earn extra rewards.

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  • No specific numbers or figures mentioned.

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About Jaypeggers

In the realm of digital innovation, Jaypeggers emerges as a pioneering force, harnessing the transformative power of blockchain technology to redefine the boundaries of creativity and entrepreneurship.

Jaypeggers is a pioneering NFT platform that converges tax-loss harvesting solutions with a cutting-edge arbitrage marketplace.

JAY boasts an elastic supply, collateralized by ETH accrued from platform fees. Consequently, the value of JAY appreciates in tandem with the total platform transaction volume, ensuring that the JAY/ETH exchange rate can only appreciate over time.

The JAY/USDC pair, conveniently listed on Uniswap, circumvents the fees and mint/burn mechanism inherent to JAY/ETH, thereby creating lucrative arbitrage opportunities across disparate markets.

Users are empowered to provide liquidity in JAY/USDC on Uniswap, stake their LP tokens, and reap additional rewards!

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