What is Metarim

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Summary of MetaRim

  • MetaRim is building a social metaverse world combining Gamefi, Defi, and Socialfi.
  • The initial game focuses on unique mecha and features:

    • Combat
    • Ranking systems
    • Materialisation of in-game objects
    • Character growth
  • Each character is an NFT asset, available for collection and commerce.
  • Vision: free virtual movement integrated with real-world economics.

About MetaRim: Unlocking the Boundless Potential of the Metaverse

MetaRim is crafting a vibrant social metaverse, where collectibility, playability, social interaction, investment, and profitability converge through the synergy of Gamefi, Defi, and Socialfi. Our inaugural endeavour, MetaRim NFT and Game, sets the stage for our expansive enterprise, showcasing a distinctive series of mecha. This inaugural game serves as the foundation for our broader metaverse vision. The gameplay seamlessly integrates combat, ranking systems, in-game object materialisation, and character progression. Each character is minted as a unique NFT asset, available for third-party collection and commerce. Our vision is to create a seamless, boundary-free virtual experience, intricately linked with real-world economics.

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