What is Nasdex

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  • What is NASDEX (NSDX)?

    : A decentralized exchange for trading Asian stocks on-chain, allowing users to manage positions across a single platform.

  • Tokenization of stocks

    : Through collateralized debt positions, enabling flexibility and security for users.

  • Utilities of NSDX


    • Sharing profit of the DEX through $NSDX tokens.
    • Serving as collateral for minting tokenized stocks.
    • Governance features, such as voting on new stocks to list.

  • What makes NASDEX unique?


About NASDEX: Empowering the Future of Digital Assets


NASDEX is a decentralized exchange that facilitates the trading of Asian stocks on-chain, thereby eliminating the need for multiple centralized trading accounts to access various markets. By connecting their wallets, users can seamlessly manage all their positions, encompassing both equity and crypto assets, within a single, unified platform.

The tokenization of stocks will be facilitated through the implementation of industry-standard, battle-tested collateralized debt positions, thereby affording flexibility and security to our users, regardless of whether they opt to assume the role of minter or trader. This empowerment enables our community to create an unlimited number of tokenized stocks at their discretion.

Beyond offering economic exposure to one’s preferred stocks on-chain, NASDEX will leverage cutting-edge DeFi mechanics to create supplementary yield-enhancing opportunities. Users will have the ability to engage in yield farming, provide liquidity, and receive trading fee rebates, thereby substantially augmenting their earnings beyond their stock exposure.

Unveiling the Multifaceted Utilities of NSDX

The primary function of NSDX is to facilitate profit sharing within the decentralized exchange (DEX) ecosystem. Once the exchange is operational, the community will be entitled to a share of the profits by holding $NSDX tokens. NSDX token holders will be eligible to participate in the revenue streams of NASDEX through a variety of mechanisms, including buy-and-distribute, buy-and-burn, or direct profit sharing. The specific mechanics of these processes will be determined and adjusted through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governed by community voting.

Notably, NSDX also facilitates the collateralization of tokenized stocks, thereby enabling a seamless minting process. Furthermore, the platform incorporates additional governance features, including the ability to cast votes on the listing of new stocks on the exchange.

Unveiling the Unparalleled NASDEX Advantage

NASDEX is poised to tap into a vast market boasting a staggering combined market capitalization of over USD 100 trillion, catering to a substantial audience of several hundred million individuals.

In terms of market size, NASDEX is poised to bridge the gap between the global equity market and crypto investors, effectively bringing the entirety of listed stocks worldwide within reach. Leveraging the permission-less and borderless nature of DeFi, no market is off-limits for NASDEX. Notably, the entire crypto market, currently valued at approximately USD 1.5 trillion, pales in comparison to the vast global equity market, presenting NASDEX with a target market 100 times larger than that of a typical DeFi DEX.

In terms of the target audience, NASDEX is poised to attract a broader user base, comprising individuals already familiar with equities. This includes countries with volatile currencies, such as Nigeria, and those with stringent capital controls, like Vietnam. However, in major developed economies like the US and China, which boast some of the highest levels of crypto adoption globally, the number of people who own cryptocurrencies still lingers below 10% of the population, according to recent research. In contrast, the proportion of stock owners in the US exceeds 50%, with China exhibiting a similar trend. This disparity underscores that, despite the rapid growth of crypto adoption, equity holders still constitute the majority of investors worldwide. NASDEX will provide these equity owners with a superior platform for investing in tokenized equities.

The Visionaries Behind NASDEX: Meet the Founders

NASDEX was co-founded by Josh Du and Belinda, a dynamic duo with a wealth of experience in their respective fields. Josh, a seasoned institutional portfolio manager, boasts an impressive 15-year track record of managing funds and teams with assets under management (AUM) exceeding USD 1 billion. His expertise spans a broad spectrum of asset classes, including equities, credit, and cryptocurrencies. His illustrious career has seen him hold positions at esteemed institutions such as Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank. Belinda, a crypto PR and marketing virtuoso, brings four years of blockchain expertise to the table, with a stellar client portfolio that underscores her exceptional skills in community building and project awareness creation.

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