What is Poolup

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Summary of PoolUp

Key Points:

  • PoolUp is a game that simulates liquidity pools for meme coins listed on CoinMarketCap.
  • The game token is PLUP, and players contribute tokens to one of nine liquidity pools.
  • The project was developed by Yevgeny Ivanov, a full-stack developer and project manager.

Key Features:

  • Utilization of Chainlink VRFv2 for fair and transparent randomization of game results.
  • A robust referral system that incentivizes community growth and participation.
  • Audited smart contracts by Certik, ensuring security and reliability.


About PoolUp: Empowering the Future of Cryptocurrency Mining

Introducing PoolUp (PLUP): A Revolutionary DeFi Platform

In the PoolUp game, participants engage in a simulated experience of liquidity pools for a diverse range of real-life meme coins listed on coinmarketcap.com. The project’s native token, PLUP, serves as the game’s proprietary token. Players contribute tokens to one of nine designated liquidity pools. Upon game completion, a smart contract randomly determines winning and losing pools, subsequently redistributing the PLUP tokens from the losing pools to the victorious ones.

Meet the Visionary Founders Behind PoolUp

Conceived and meticulously maintained by Yevgeny Ivanov, a seasoned full-stack developer and project manager hailing from the Netherlands, the PoolUp game is a testament to his innovative prowess.

Distinguishing Attributes of PoolUp:

  • Leveraging Chainlink’s VRFv2 technology to ensure the randomized outcomes of games are impartial and transparent.
  • A sophisticated referral system designed to foster community engagement and encourage participation.
  • Smart contracts rigorously audited by Certik, guaranteeing the highest standards of security and dependability.

The Tokenomics of PoolUp: A Comprehensive Overview

Initially, a total of 100,000,000 PLUP tokens were minted, with the following distribution: * 70,000,000 PLUP tokens, representing 70% of the total supply, were allocated to the liquidity pool. * A further 20,000,000 PLUP tokens, equivalent to 20% of the total, were set aside for staking purposes. * Lastly, 10,000,000 PLUP tokens, accounting for 10% of the total, were reserved for the development team.

The Token Burning Mechanism:

  • The liquidity pool token has been completely eliminated through burning.
  • A further 0.15% of the tokens utilized in gaming activities are also subject to burning, thereby exerting a deflationary influence on the overall token supply.

Pathway to Innovation: Roadmap and Future Ambitions

In May 2024:

  • The inaugural launch of the PoolUp.game website, accompanied by the deployment of smart contracts.
  • The introduction of a Referral System, designed to incentivize user engagement.
  • The implementation of Token Staking, a feature that rewards token holders.
  • The rollout of additional game updates, including “Add Your Coins to the Game” and “New Game Modes”, further enriching the gaming experience.
  • Submission of applications for PLUP token listings on prominent platforms, including CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
  • The initiation of a targeted advertising campaign to raise awareness about the project.

Summer 2024:

  • Advancements in game feature development to elevate the gaming experience.
  • Ongoing promotional initiatives to foster a sense of community and encourage active participation.
  • The highly anticipated launch of the Beta Version of PoolUp Game on Android, marking a significant milestone.
  • A comprehensive advertising campaign to raise awareness and drive interest in the project.

Our roadmap will undergo periodic revisions as the project progresses, ensuring that it remains a dynamic and accurate reflection of our evolving vision.

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