What is Sandclock

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Key Points

  • Sandclock is a multichain DeFi platform for programmable money.
  • Objective: onboard 50 million non-crypto users to web3.
  • $QUARTZ is the ecosystem governance token.

Case Studies

  • Case Study I – Endowment: Alice creates an endowment for her mother.
  • Case Study II – Investment and Charity Support: John invests and donates to a local food bank.
  • Case Study III – Preserving NFT Floor Price: NFT community members preserve floor price.
  • Case Study IV


In the realm of cryptocurrency, QUARTZ emerges as a beacon of innovation, poised to revolutionize the landscape of decentralized finance.

What Sets Sandclock Apart?

To better illustrate the uniqueness of Sandclock, here are a few case studies that exemplify the core functionalities of the project.

Experience the vision of Sandclock by watching our captivating pitch video



About Sandclock

In the realm of innovative technologies, Sandclock emerges as a pioneering force, dedicated to revolutionizing the landscape of cryptocurrency and blockchain development.

Sandclock is a pioneering multichain DeFi platform that seeks to revolutionize the concept of programmable money by harnessing cutting-edge yield generating strategies. By decoupling principal from yield and enabling users to fractionalize either component to craft bespoke strategies, Sandclock unlocks the full potential of capital programmability. The design possibilities are endless, spanning investments in DCA vaults, corporate social responsibility management, zero-loss donations, investments, and subscription services, as well as establishing DAOs that provide exit liquidity to NFT floor undercutters.

The Sandclock team is dedicated to onboarding the next 50 million non-crypto users to web3, and has invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into ensuring compliance, pursuing licenses (SOC 1/SOC 2 type II, FINRA, FinCen, CPO, etc.), redesigning the crypto UX/UI from the ground up, implementing key management best practices, integrating insurance into their products, and incorporating numerous other distinctive features.


Introducing $QUARTZ, a revolutionary decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol designed to empower the next generation of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

$QUARTZ is the cornerstone of Sandclock’s ecosystem governance, serving as a token that empowers holders to propose and vote on proposals within the DAO. The $QUARTZ governance token will wield significant influence over the following facets of the project:

  • Treasury Governance: The $QUARTZ community will wield decisive influence over the allocation of fees accrued by the protocol, thereby shaping its financial trajectory.

  • Strategic Collaborations: Empowered by their $QUARTZ holdings, community members will be entitled to propose and foster synergistic partnerships with other protocols and organizations, driving growth and innovation.

  • Liquidity Pool Management: $QUARTZ holders will be entrusted with proposing and refining parameters for the protocol’s pools, thereby optimizing their performance and yields.

Treasury Management: The governance power lies with $QUARTZ holders, who will collectively determine the optimal allocation of fees accrued by the protocol.

Strategic Collaborations: Through a democratic process, $QUARTZ token holders will have the privilege of proposing and driving partnerships with other protocols and organizations, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual growth.

Pools & Parameters: $QUARTZ holders will have the authority to propose and modify existing or introduce new parameters for the protocol’s pools, thereby shaping the ecosystem’s dynamics.

Notably, the exorbitant gas costs have effectively disenfranchised the majority of users from participating in on-chain governance, resulting in dwindling engagement. To counter this trend and remain faithful to our blockchain-agnostic philosophy, Sandclock’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) will be situated on Polygon.

Case Study I: Endowment – A Testament to Prudent Wealth Management

Alice establishes an endowment on Sandclock, whereby a portion of the yield generated by her deposit is allocated to a dedicated account created for her mother. Depending on the duration and size of the deposit, Alice’s mother will receive a monthly disbursement, which can be either reinvested or transferred to her prepaid spend card, issued by Sandclock, for convenient grocery shopping.

Case Study II: Empowering Investment and Philanthropic Endeavors

John, a graphic designer living modestly, aspires to augment his wealth while supporting a local food bank. He decides to deposit his funds with Sandclock, crafting a portfolio that auto-compounds his principal for 5 years. The yield generated is allocated equally: 50% is used to dollar-cost average into Ethereum, while the remaining 50% is donated to his local food bank over the same period. This strategy enables John to reap the benefits of high-yielding blockchain-based money markets, invest in Ethereum, and derive satisfaction from supporting a local not-for-profit. Additionally, John receives charitable tax receipts in the form of NFTs, airdropped to his account, which can be traded like carbon credits or claimed for actual tax benefits.

Case Study III: Safeguarding the Integrity of NFT Floor Prices

It is crucial for NFT community members to witness a steady appreciation in the floor price of their digital assets. Regrettably, some members may find themselves in urgent need of liquidity, prompting them to sacrifice the floor price and sell their NFTs at a discounted rate. This phenomenon, known as ‘floor price undercutting,’ has a detrimental impact on the overall value of the NFT, and its persistence remains a pressing concern that has yet to be adequately addressed.

Through Sandclock, members of the NFT community can deposit their funds and earn exceptionally high yields on their investments. They can also devise a strategy whereby, when a potential floor price undercutter requires liquidity, the collective yield from community members can be utilized to purchase the NFT at the floor price. Subsequently, the new ownership of the NFT can be fractionalized and distributed proportionally among all participants who contributed liquidity. This entire process is automated programmatically, enabling NFT community members to reap substantial returns on their deposits at Sandclock while maintaining the floor price of their NFT.

Case Study IV: Overcoming Cash Flow Conundrums

The Women’s Shelter, a not-for-profit organization, provides a safe haven and essential support to women and families escaping domestic violence and other crises. A predictable monthly cash flow is crucial to their operational sustainability, enabling them to continue delivering vital care and support to the women they serve. Regrettably, the uncertainty of monthly cash flow is a pervasive challenge that besets most not-for-profit organizations.

Through Sandclock vaults, donors and not-for-profit organizations can deposit funds, preserving the principal while harnessing the yield to generate a steady, reliable cash flow for operational purposes. This predictable yield stream, created by either the not-for-profit or a donor (with the option to establish it in perpetuity), constitutes a distinctive value proposition that will bring immense benefits to global NGOs seeking to optimize their cash flow management.

Case Study V: The Pioneering Concept of Zero-Loss Donations

The recent humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has underscored the imperative need for efficient methodologies in providing support to refugees globally. Despite concerted efforts to deliver aid and relief, the presence of numerous intermediaries and pervasive corruption create significant obstacles, making it exceedingly challenging to channel aid to those who need it most, when they need it most.

In partnership with UNHCR, refugees who receive their Refugee Card are also eligible to receive a Sandclock prepaid spend card. Through the Sandclock platform, users can allocate a portion of their yield to support Afghan refugees, and the funds will be directly transferred to top up the prepaid cards, enabling refugees to purchase essential provisions for their families.

This paradigmatic example showcases a pioneering mechanism for zero-loss donation, and the Sandclock team had the privilege of participating in a United Nations General Assembly event, where they shared their expertise on this innovative concept.

As previously described, the design space for utilizing Sandclock is virtually limitless. While we may provide specific features through our proprietary user interfaces, our smart contract can be leveraged by developers and engineers to craft their own distinctive innovations, unfettered by constraints.

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