What is Stake Dao

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Summary of Stake DAO

  • Stake DAO Token (SDT) is a governance token for voting and earning fees.
  • Stake DAO is a multi-service DeFi platform built by the community.
  • Token holders can stake earned SDT to receive a share of DAO fees.
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About Stake DAO: Empowering Decentralized Governance

The Stake Dao Token (or SDT) is a governance token that empowers users to exercise their voting rights and accrue fees generated on Stake DAO through a diverse range of products, including staking and automated investment strategies.

Stake DAO is a pioneering, community-driven, multi-service DeFi platform that harnesses the collective power of the entire DeFi ecosystem, providing users with seamless access to the most optimal investment strategies.

By staking their accrued SDT, token holders can participate in the distribution of DAO fees, thereby earning a proportionate share.

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