What is Vital

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Summary of Vital Network

  • Vital is a decentralized application for fundraising projects.
  • Types of projects: Wedding, birthday, retirement, medical support, common expenses.
  • Built on Elrond blockchain.
  • Governed by Smart Contracts for transparency and security.
  • Business model: Spend money pot for free with partners or staking program.
  • Features: Token savings system, NFT governance, automated governance.

Numbers and figures: None

Case studies, anecdotes, and examples: None

Vital takeaways: Decentralized fundraising platform with transparent and secure governance.

About Vital Network: Empowering a Decentralized Future

Vital is a fully decentralized application that empowers individuals to create fundraising projects catering to diverse needs, including weddings, birthdays, retirement celebrations, medical support, and everyday expenses. Built upon the Elrond blockchain, Vital operates under the auspices of transparent and secure Smart Contracts, ensuring a trustworthy environment for users. Our innovative business model enables users to utilize their accumulated funds without incurring costs, either by partnering with our affiliates or participating in our staking program. Furthermore, our platform features a token-based savings system, NFT governance that fosters support for promising young projects, and automated governance mechanisms to efficiently manage applications.

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