What is Wilder World

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Summary of Wilder World

Numbers and Figures:

  • 2%: transaction fee charged in WILD and transferred to the Wilder Nation DAO
  • 1: minimum WILD token required for voting in governance proposals
  • 100%: uniqueness of Wilder IDs, ownership requirement for minting, and governance by Citizens of the Wilder Nation

Case Studies, Anecdotes, and Examples:

  • Examples of assets requiring a unique Wilder ID: citizens, vehicles, buildings, kicks, crafts, clothing, land, DAOs (stores, dealerships, concert halls, neighborhoods, condominium associations)
  • Example of a Wilder ID: 0://w

In the Realm of Wilder World

WILD serves as the driving force behind Wilder World.

WILD is the versatile utility token that serves multiple purposes, including: identifying, trading, generating resources, and governing the Wilder World ecosystem.


Within the Wilder World Metaverse, every entity – human, non-player character, asset, object, and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) – necessitates a distinct, scarce, and cryptographically secure Wilder ID, which resides on the Ethereum blockchain and is facilitated by Zero Protocol.

Notable examples of assets that can be represented in Wilder World include citizens, vehicles, buildings, kicks, crafts, clothing, and land, as well as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), such as stores, dealerships, concert halls, neighborhoods, and condominium associations. When a new asset is minted within Wilder World, it is secured and referenced with a unique Wilder ID, such as 0://wilder.crafts.genesis.501, thereby ensuring its provenance and authenticity.

A Wilder ID serves as a unique digital fingerprint, inextricably linked to a specific individual, asset, or decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). This distinct identifier is 100% unique, rendering it impossible to replicate, duplicate, or spoof without legitimate ownership. The minting of a Wilder ID necessitates the staking of WILD, thereby ensuring the integrity of the process. As an influx of citizens migrates to Wilder World, a proliferation of novel goods, manufacturing, services, and DAOs emerges, subsequently driving up demand for Wilder IDs and effectively removing WILD from circulation.


Paralleling the dynamics of a real-world nation, Wilder World necessitates the use of WILD for the creation (minting), purchase, and sale of assets within its ecosystem. Notably, all global transactions are denominated in WILD, accompanied by a 2% transaction fee, also payable in WILD, which is automatically transferred to the Wilder Nation DAO.

Valuable Resources

Within the Wilder World Metaverse, the creation (minting) of novel objects necessitates a vital energy source, manifesting as raw materials. Citizens have the ability to extract these raw materials from the earth, subsequently processing them at refineries, which can then be transformed into valuable goods and services that contribute to the expansion of the Wilder Nation’s GDP and the utilization of WILD.

Governance Structure

Wilder World is a decentralized metaverse that is 100% owned and governed by its citizens, the Wilder Nation. This open, democratized realm is truly of the people, by the people. Wilders exercise their collective authority by voting on governance proposals that encompass a broad range of global topics, propositions, and critical decisions. To participate in this democratic process, each Citizen must possess a valid Wilder ID (e.g., 0://wilder.frank) and hold a minimum of 1 WILD token.

Wilder World was conceived by Zero Tech and is meticulously crafted on the robust foundations of Zero Protocol, Ethereum, and Unreal Engine 5.

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