What is Woonkly Power

Article Summary, Automatically Generated By AI

Summary of Woonkly Power

  • Woonkly Metasocial Network is a Decentralized Social Network.
  • Posts become NFTs directly.
  • Users have full control of their data.
  • Content is stored on users’ computers via IPFS (interplanetary file system).
  • Creates a decentralized worldwide directory of:
    • Creators
    • Influencers
    • Talents
    • NFT’s users
    • Metaverses
  • Allows for new ways to monetize content.

Unlocking the Potential of Woonkly Power

Woonkly Metasocial Network is a decentralized social ecosystem where every post is inherently minted as a unique NFT, empowering users with absolute autonomy over their data. By leveraging IPFS (Interplanetary File System), content is decentralized, residing on users’ computers rather than a central server. This innovative framework enables the creation of a global, decentralized directory, connecting creators, influencers, talents, NFT enthusiasts, and metaverses, fostering novel opportunities for content monetization through dynamic interactions.

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